Meet girl in extremely-costly lifestyles using some of P10-B pork barrel of the people?

About 80 million Filipinos have virtually nothing so they cannot give, and they cannot spend!
Less than a million Filipinos can afford too much!
Of these less than a million, perhaps only one--ONLY
ONE--can afford to lavishly sport in a million-peso worth of a set of
dress, watch, earrings, shoes, bracelet, necklace, clutch bag, etc.
Who is this only one?

She is Jeane Lim Napoles, daughter of
Janet Lim-Napoles, the woman now tagged as the "mother of P10-billion
pork barrel scandal."
She is fond of having Chanel clutch bag, costing about 4,000 pounds, or roughly 400,000 pesos.
She loves wearing YSL tribute shoes and
she has nine of them. If each pair costs about $1,000, she spent $9,000
or roughly 360,000 pesos.
She wants to sport a Hublot watch, each costing about $11,000 each, or roughly one million pesos.

She also likes to wear Baby Pink Herve
Leger, a dress with a plunging neckline to show the upper base of her
boobs. Each dress costs $1,500 or roughly about 75,000 pesos.

In one setting, you may be shocked to see her wear all in the amount of 2 million pesos!
This daughter of the "mother fucker" should know she wears all the money out of the blood of poor Filipinos.
Where is the conscience of this girl?
While she sees tens of millions of Filipinos living in hunger, while she sees luckier souls get Conditional Cash Transfers, while she sees many streetchildren begging from motorists, while she sees many informal shelters crying over demolished homes, while she sees millions of farmers scratching heads looking at their crops eaten up by floods, while she sees poor college students dropping out of schools and one UP stude killing self due to failure to pay tuition, she knows children of Payatas struggling day and night on garbage life, SHE HAS EXTRAORDINARILY DISPLAYED EXTRAVAGANT LIFESTYLES.

She is fond of following world stars and celebrities.
She posed with Justine Bieber.
She followed Justin Timberlake.
She posed with many other internationally-known personalities.
She has thick face!
How can she have the heart of using people's blood for her own happiness?
Like her mother, she must be fucked to prison, too, and all her signature apparels confiscated as unexplained wealth.
Let us move heaven and earth now to strip them naked and return all they have to the government.

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